
夢想航道第四站 - 家庭之愛 公益音樂會

夢想航道第四站 - 家庭之愛 公益音樂會
  • 時  間
  • 地  點
    衛武營國家藝術文化中心音樂廳 / 高雄市鳳山區三多一路1號
  • 費  用
  • 場  次
  • 主辦單位
  • 活動網址
  • 資料來源
The Fourth Journey of Dreams – Love Makes a Family Benefit Concert
The cores of our charity performance – Love Makes a Family are deliver two concepts, which are “Cherish your family” and “Seize every moment of your life”. It is been a honor to present” The Four Seasons” of Vivaldi and an arranger from Taiwan to arrange the Traditional Folk Songs from Taiwan into four seasons. Seasonal change stands for life. We live in a world of love and courage, there is always be a hope out there. Don’t give it up on a minor frustration. Bremer String Orchestra will donate all the ticket revenue to charitable event.
布萊梅弦樂團(Bremer string orchestra)以童話故事來命名,是由一群童心未泯的成人及天真的孩子組成,團員來自各產業的音樂愛好者,有音樂系本科的音樂老師,也有為了促進親子互動關係帶著孩子一起學習的家長,有小時候曾經學過音樂想再一圓音樂夢的同好,也有成人之後勇敢追逐音樂夢的成年學習者,在布萊梅弦樂團的團員們不分琴齡、不分年齡,有各行各業、各年齡層,這個大家庭裡,不只分享音樂知識,也分享人生經驗,更開擴視野。
The professional music educators lead Bremer string orchestra, Bremer string orchestra was named after a fairy tale. It is formed by adults from all walks of life and children. Some members of us major in classical music, someone are families, and some adults who want to realize their music dream.
《布萊梅城市樂手》(德語:Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten)是德國格林童話,講述的是「一隻雞、一隻貓、一條狗和一頭驢,農場主人覺得他們老了、沒有用了,就想把他們殺來吃,然後他們就決定要逃出去,要扭轉命運,因為他們一人會一個樂器所以他們就決定去布來梅城鎮當樂手,開創新的人生,途中經過一個強盜窩,他們進去拉琴給強盜聽,因為太難聽了,強盜以為是妖魔鬼怪就嚇跑了,留下大批金銀珠寶,從此布萊梅城市樂手就過著幸福快樂的生活」。
《Town Musicians of Bremer》 (German:Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten) The story is about a chicken, a cat, a dog, and a donkey. The owner neglected them, so they escape and try to reverse their fate. They decide to be musicians in Bremen. All of them can play instruments. One day , they passed by a band of robbers, and played music for them. Because their music sounds too bad, the robbers thought that they are ghosts. They ran away and left all the treasures. The Bremer musicians live a happy life ever after.
The Bremer String Orchestra is not only provides venue for musicians, but also plans performances for each season. All members can have different performance experience by professional teachers. Although we are not professional musicians, we can present super-standard performances.
The story of Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten is full of black humor and satire, but also contains positive energy and is educational. The purpose of the story is “You can make everything possible, if you have faith.” We are named after this also means, no matter when you start learning, it is never too late. Everyone can be Bremer musician, and when we gather together, we are Bremer String Orchestra.We love music. We challenge ourselves and go beyond ourselves with confidence.
We are Bremer String Orchestra~
1. The Four Seasons - Concerto No. 3 in F major, Op. 8, RV 293, "Autumn", Antonio Vivaldi 韋瓦第四季-秋
2. Folk Music from Taiwan - The Four Seasons " Autumn " 台灣四季-秋
3. Folk Music from Taiwan - The Four Seasons ”Summer” 台灣四季-夏
4. The Four Seasons - Concerto No. 2 in G minor, Op. 8, RV 315, "Summer", Antonio Vivaldi韋瓦第四季-夏
5. The Four Seasons - Concerto No. 4 in F minor, Op. 8, RV 297, "Winter", Antonio Vivaldi 韋瓦第四季-冬
6. Folk Music from Taiwan - The Four Seasons " Winter” 台灣四季-冬
7. Folk Music from Taiwan - The Four Seasons " ”Spring” 台灣四季-春
8. The Four Seasons - Concerto No. 1 in E major, Op. 8, RV 269, "Spring", Antonio Vivaldi 韋瓦第四季-春
9.Home Sweet Home Theme and Variations, Bishop, Henry Rowley 甜蜜的家庭
Conductor|Lee Chen-yu
Orchestra|Bremer String Orchestra
Violinist|Lee Chia-hao
地點:衛武營國家藝術文化中心 音樂廳
更多相關「布萊梅弦樂團」資訊,請上「布萊梅城市樂手」FB粉絲團或IG (Bremer . musician)查詢。
學生憑證九折、10人以上團體九折優惠、20人以上團體八折 。
◆ 節目預計演出120分鐘(含中場休息20分鐘),本演出時間僅供參考,實際依現場狀況為準。
◆ 因應COVID-19疫情,活動當日進入場館請全程配戴口罩,依「中央流行疫情指揮中心」公告辦理防疫措施。
◆ 主辦單位保留節目異動權利。
◆ 本節目年代售票網站(郵寄.便利商店取票)、全台年代售票端點、四大超商全家FamiPort、7-11門市內的ibon機台、萊爾富Life-ET及OK超商OK‧go皆可購票。
◆ 本節目退換票請洽年代售票,需酌收票面價10%手續費,退票期限至2024/5/16止,請依照年代網站上之方案一相關規定辦理。
演出日期 地點 票價 訂購
2024-05-27 19:30~2024-05-27 21:30 衛武營國家藝術文化中心音樂廳 1500、1200、1000、800、500
演出日期 / 地點 票價
2024-05-27 19:30~2024-05-27 21:30

